I'll start off the year with posting some of my work from last semester that haven't put up yet.
First, the final drama painting. I like how it turned out :)
And next my one minute animatic. This changed SO MUCH and I'm going to be changing it even more. I'm going to rework the story it completely to pitch pre-pro because there are some things that just aren't working/aren't clear yet and my original idea for this got too big. I'm going to try to take it back to my original idea for the pitch. So here is the 1 minute version of it.
Arturo's Family from
Katya Zoé Bowser on
Here's another animatic. This is my animatic for my lipsync that I will be animating when I get back to school next week. This was really fun and I can't wait to animate it.
Lipsync Animatic from
Katya Zoé Bowser on
And lastly my push pull exaggerated. I was so burnt out while working on this so there are things i like about it and things I don't like. and the sounds is so terribly cheesy. I just slapped something on there for turning it in. I will be changing it when I render it.
Push/Pull exaggerated *PLAYBAST* from
Katya Zoé Bowser on
Looking forward to this year and all that it holds!!!