I haven't been art deprived this summer. I have been doing some art :)
These are some sketches. I've been working on sketching more and I have seen improvement this summer. I'm still not sketching as much as I would like but I'm sure I will get better at it.
The next few are from Bobby Chui's Sketcholoic contests. They were done really quick but they were fun to do. Of course I didn't win anything but I enjoyed the chance to participate in the contests and watch the interviews. The first one is a Wall street Cyclops for an interview with Nate Wragg. The second is my favorite childhood anime for an interview with Dice Tsutsumi. I was a die hard pokeman fanactic.
I think thats it for now. I might have some other stuff, I just don't know where in my computer it is :P
SIGGRAPH was awesome. I'm so glad I was able to go. It was a great opportunity to make new friends. meet other students from all over the worl, and talk to some amazing people. I really hope I can volunteer again next year in Vancouver!!!
Also, school is right around the corner. This summer went by pretty fast, mainly because we did a lot of family visiting. Its been a crazy summer of dealing with traveling, finances, jobs, vacation and family but it was a good summer. I'm almost ready to get back into the school routine. I'm excited about my classes this semester but there are still a few things I would like to do before school starts.